Sunday, February 12, 2012

And then there were 31

Rogue and Molar
Warning - may contain some descriptive goriness - so if you're averse to icky things, please turn away. Sorry.

You know for a fact that evolution is the name of the game when you have things like your wisdom tooth turning into a rogue and attacking an innocent neighbour. We don't need them anymore, and yet they remain, hidden until they pop out someday, with less than desirable results for quite a number of us.

If we were created as the creationists believe, we'd all be sporting perfectly beautiful sets of teeth (28 only) and there wouldn't be dentists around. 

Over a year ago, I was shown a picture of the condition of my lower right jaw and it looks a bit like the drawing attached to this post. After having to deal with a series of failed appointments that I decided that it was a sign to not go ahead, I completely forgot about it until a recent visit to a dentist. She too commented on the damage Rogue is likely to cause and advised that I remove it. An opportunity came, I took it, and a few hours later, I sit here typing this with a gaping hole where Rogue once sat and taunted Molar.

I have been told that the removal process was one of the simplest ever, and I was under the impression that they'd just cut your gums and the tooth would just fall out like that. Well, maybe not just fall out, but at least just one yank would do the trick. Turns out, it isn't so. My extra strong teeth was hacked and sawed into several small pieces and the root was apparently still stuck in the bone. The dentist cut, loosened and pulled and yanked, and after a grueling 1 hour and 15 minutes of her wrestling with my tooth, and me holding onto the seat holder as if my life depended on it, the final piece finally came out in all it's bloody glory. 


  1. oh jeez, when i had my wisdom teeth out it was similar, minus the extra strong teeth bit hah

  2. Replies
    1. Ha ha. Yes, hence the warning right at the top ;)

  3. And this is why I don't go to the dentist even though I probably should.

    1. Normal checkup is totally fine... getting a tooth out is a pain, although most people will tell you it's not that bad.

  4. oh dear, it does sound like a massive construction work there. sorry.

    i dont have probs with wisdom teeth. apparently my mouth space is limited and there is no room for growth, so they wont bother coming out.
    i also still have my two lower front baby teeth. the docs told me not to worry cuz they are going to be there for a long time.

    1. Baby teeth? Oh wow.

      My wisdome teeth forced their way out even when there wasn't enough space. Such a bummer.

  5. Uggg so hate the dentist, but I guess it has to be done. Damn wisdom teeth are so useless. Was a pain when I had mine out too.

  6. The burning question is did you take Rogue home with you and put him under your pillow?

    1. Ha ha... I took Rogue home, but I skipped the pillow part

  7. It hurts. D:

  8. Gritting my teeth as I read this. I hate dental work...

    1. I used to be okay with it, but after this experience, I'd think a few times over.

  9. Five minutes ago my mom was expressing her excitement about going to the dentist tomorrow for a cleaning. I know a cleaning and a wisdom tooth removal are incomparable, but I'd never heard anyone look forward to the dentist before.

    1. Neither have I. Your mom's excitement is just simply adorable :)

  10. Like Jaya, my wisdom teeth don't have enough room to appear. Does it make us any less wise......?

  11. My older son had his out last year - he is not one to suffer quietly.

    I still have mine - well the bottom two and then the partial wisdom tooth that developed up top. The fourth one never grew.

    1. I don't blame him... it's kind of worse post op :(



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