Sunday, July 08, 2012

The Mystery of The Disappearing Book

When I was a kid, I always had my nose buried in one of Enid Blyton's mystery stories. When I was done with those, I graduated to Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys and The 3 Investigators.

Now I have a mystery to solve all on my own. (Admittedly, they had more interesting mysteries which involved hiding in cars and spying on people and having their own tree houses as HQ for their top secret meetings, whilst mine is...)

A slim, blue jacketed copy of Wuthering Heights has somehow incredibly disappeared right under my nose. I know that maybe two years from now, I might find it hidden in the fridge or something and laugh and probably blog about it, but for now it's missing. 

I've turned my book cupboards inside out twice, searched other cupboards, searched in travelling bags, in my car and anywhere else books may take a fancy to hide themselves. So, now, despite promising my sister that I could lend my copy to her friend who expressed some interest in reading the book after he was introduced to a song of the same name, I'm of the opinion that I might be unable to fulfil that promise. I've reached a point where I thought that I'd just get a new copy and lend that to him. If I find my original copy, then he gets a free book, if I don't then he can return this copy when he's done - which leads me to the second mystery. 

The two bookstores I visited this week didn't have any copies with them!

So, Wuthering Heights - where art thou hiding?


  1. As well as being a good song, and a good book, Wuthering Heights is also a good band. It is odd for a book to just disappear though. Even odder for it to disappear from all the local bookshops too. I hope you can find it. Sometimes things vanish, and they sometimes turn back up.

    1. I hope I find the book. I guess I'll need to check out the band on youtube.

  2. Hmmm the magic elves took it or the aliens. Or it is just behind the stuff in the freezer, maybe used to mae a table leg even?..haha

  3. The guys in the car repair shop will have pilfered it - they're suckers for romantic fiction.

    1. Ha ha... that's a good one, King of Scurf :)

  4. I used to love the Hardy boys and all those Enid Blyton books too. I'm very particular with all my books and comics to the point no one at home touches my books ... LOL!

    1. I know what you mean. It's very disconcerting to find a book not where you last left it.

  5. Replies
    1. Oh yeah, memories from the years gone by.

  6. I'm the Queen of Losing Things. I don't know how I do it, but on a regular basis I look around and whatever it is I had moments before is just gone. I think I must live near a black hole.

    1. You've given me an idea, I probably live near one too.

  7. I think it's a rule that a good book has to go missing from time to time. Crappy books that you never want to read are always easily findable, but a good book is never where you think it is.

    1. Or perhaps, since we never really look for crappy books, we don't realise they are missing.

  8. I know what that's like, alright. Last year I'd just bought a priceless rare edition of Roald Dahl's The Enourmous Crocodile, being a collector of special children books, and the next day I couldn't find it anywhere. I managed to buy the same one a second time, but every time I look at it, I just know it's not as beautiful as the one I lost. Where could it be?

    1. Oh, that's quite upsetting. I know I'd feel terrible. At least my copy was a *cheap paperback.

      *By Malaysian standards.

  9. It's so weird the way things go missing. I will always remember how once T's wallet went missing just before we were due to go out. We were nearly late with searching, but didn't find it. (and yes we were alone in the house)

    When we got home, started searching again. No luck. He had just put it down on the table, so he thought.
    A few months later he decided to do some woodwork. Opened the door of his tool cupboard, reached up to the top shelf, got down a box of sandpaper. Opened it, and there was the wallet.

    We're still wondering how it got there. Just as well neither of us is suspicious type, otherwise we'd be suspecting each other of playing tricks, there would be no end to it!

    I still wonder if we really do have gremlins!

    1. Oh wow. I'm sure he'd remember if he put it in a box of sandpaper. This is a mystery indeed. Thanks for sharing such an interesting story :)



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